15 October 1996

Nepal - Day 39 - Pokhara (पोखरा)

Hot & Sunny

We got up early (8am) and managed to see the mountains before they disappeared behind the clouds.  We had a leisurely breakfast in one of the lakeside garden restaurants, did a bit of shopping and then hired a boat out.

We rowed (not very skillfully or fast) across to the little island on which there was a temple.  We'd just missed two goats being slaughtered, thankfully.  We rowed across to the far bank and climbed the hill to the Buddhist Monastery at the top.  The monastery was shut, but the views over the lake and Pokhara were fabulous.  We didn't hang around too long as there was a very annoying kid begging for money.

We had a good lunch at the Typical Restaurant where we'd stowed our oars and played with some tiny puppies.  The row back was very leisurely and we dived into the lake.

Damian went back to the room, but I went for another quick shop and then to "Boomerang" to write up some of this diary.  I hadn't done much when Damian reappeared and we sat there until dusk.  He has decided to come with me and do Everest Base Camp which is great news and makes life much easier,

We went back to the room and listened to some music, before a quiet meal at "Once Upon a Time".  I still don't have my full appetite back, but felt much better.

We went to bed quite early.

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