28 October 1996

Nepal - Day 52 - Trekking Day 9 - Acclimatisation day in Namche

Clear at first; cloudy later

At long, long last a chance to lie in, but my bladder let me down and by 9am I had to get up.  We had a leisurely breakfast while Damien had gone off shopping.

Once he returned the rest of us set out with the aim of getting our trekking permits stamped by the police.

We ended up walking up to the ridge and along the path we must take the next day, and were rewarded with an amazing view to the north of Nuptse (7,879m) and Lhotse (8,501m) - finally some of the really big boys!  We could also see the trial to Tengboche and the monistery and surrounding buildings on another ridge - it didn't seem too far away.  Unfortunately, the view of Everest was still obscured by cloud.

View from the hotel window of Transerku (6,608m)

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