19 October 1996

Nepal - Day 44 - (2 x 44) - Kathmandu to Jiri (जिरी)

Hot & Sunny
We got up at 4:25am

A cycle rickshaw took us in the early hours of the morning to the bus station.

We got on the wrong bus to start with, but eventually found the correct bus and our allotted seats.  The available legroom was incredibly tight and uncomfortable, and once seated I was fixed in that position.  It was soon sheer agony.

There was only one music speaker on the whole bus and to add to our woos it was right above our heads and blasting local pop.

An excellent view once was got going of the Eastern Himalaya, started to make up for our pain, including the snow-capped peaks of Ganesh Himal, Langlang Lirung and Dorje Lakpa.

Around mid-day, we stopped for dal baht which was good.  we could stand our place in the bus no longer and so took a chance to climb on the huge bus roof rack with the bags for the rest of the journey which now afforded us excellent, unlimited legroom, no Hindi pop, plus the chance to chat to a Canadian girl and guy, though if there had been an accident I'm not sure how well we would have faired.  The journey was never too fast though to unduly worry.

We eventaully arrived in Jiri just before dark (5pmish) and followed a tout to the Sagarmatha Lodge & Restaurantant the wonderful price of Rs10 per night per person (8p)  We dined on veg curry and met a Northern Irish guy and an American from Detroit.  The latter had been teaching English in Singapore.

It was early to bed again!

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