08 September 1996

India - Day 2 - Delhi

Lots of rain, but warm
I hadn't slept well that night with my body clock still 5 and a half hours behind me and so fell fast asleep in the early morning, though managed to drag myself out of bed around 10am for breakfast at "Appetite Cafe" next to "lord's" of poached eggs on toast.  The toast was like cardboard and the yolks of the eggs were as white as the whites, however the coffee was damn good.

I headed down to the railway station to get a ticket out of Delhi and after finding the tourist office got a ticket easily for US$4 to Shimla further north in the foothills of the Himalayas, then returned and lunched at "Lord's" before walking for miles to Old Delhi to find Chandni Chowk which the LP describes as a "colourful shopping bazaar"  It took me over an hour to find and I had to fend off hundreds of offers from rickshaw drivers.

When at last I did find the place most of the shops were shut, apparently in response to a demonstration about the government increasing the traders' rents.

I walked down to the Red Fort which dates from the peak of the Mughal Empire built between1638 and 1648. Details of the Red Fort  After I had entered through the Lahore Gate and reached the first main building the Indian monsoon rains, which were meant to be over by now, decended in full force and I sat sheltering and rested my weary legs.

An Indian lad who called himself Rocky sat by me and started talking

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