08 August 1993

PRC - Day 33 - Deqin 德欽

Mixed weather
Alt: 3550m
An easy day with lots of time spent in little restaurants and trying to find a way to get a lift to carry on our journey.  We were not 100% sure it was either wise or possible, but continued to give it our best shot.  Communicating was very difficult as this town was really not used to foreigners and the people we would speak to just couldn't accept we could not speak fluent Chinese and would rant away at us.

We played snooker in what must rate as one of the most beautiful settings for a snooker hall, however, it was outdoors and in this rather unforgiving climate so the tables had really seen better days and were warped, had huge holes or lumps and the cues were little more than broom sticks, usually with a slight bend in them.  What crazy golf is to real golf, this was to real snooker.

A huge crowd built up to watch the foreigners play, which was a bit embarassing as I was terrible.

It was really hard having to negotiate your balls around huge lumps in the table.

Later we had a meal meeting some of the other westerners who had arrived the day before.  They were Rory from Australia and Christophe from France who had met on the road and were now travelling together.

We ended the day with more cards and a bottle of jui

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