29 August 1991

19 August 1991

USA - Day 55 - Falls, Helecopters and Canada

We woke around 9am.  Amazingly we'd managed to sleep quite well in the car, although we all felt quite stiff and tired.  We went to see both of the falls before most of the other tourists arrived.  Very very impressive, especially the Horse Shoe Falls.

To get closer still we went on a "Maid of the Mist" boat tour to almost under the falls.  Rich looked like Docter Death in his full length rain coat with hood.

Next was the highlight of the trip so far - a helicopter ride over the falls.  It was a quick but brilliant experience - my first time in a helicopter, but just awesome views.

We headed over to Canada taking the "Rainbow Bridge" and took many many more photos of the falls.  I couldn't help wondering what it would be like to go over them in a barrel, but didn't fancy to find out.

Then we drove on and headed to Waterloo passing Lake Ontario which is massive.

I noted, "Canada looks very clean and has colourful money, but otherwise looks a bit like the USA"

We were in bed by 11:30pm at Jens' friends' house.